There are moments in life that are undeniably unique, inspirational, and memorable. Most of you are aware that I have been involved in a reunion choir comprised of students from my high school acapella choir between the years of 1961 and 1993. Those were the years (32 of them) that Donald B. Cowan directed the choral program at S. H. Rider High School in Wichita Falls, TX. 

Through Facebook, a reunion began, and the seeds for singing together with our beloved director were planted. The vision became a reality. The Donald B. Cowan Legacy Choir performed in Wichita Falls, TX on June 25th and again this past Saturday evening, July 9th, at Bass Performance Hall in Ft. Worth, TX. Singers from across the country assembled once a month to rehearse and the final performance left us all exhilerated and inspired. I can only wish every person reading this has had, or will have, a red-letter day such as this in their own lives. 

The commitment I made to serve Legacy Choir as president and tenor section leader has taken away from time I use for other ongoing responsibilities, but for me, this event was an opportunity to pay back a debt. I was given so much by my musical mentors during my formative years and this was my chance to show my appreciation. 

I composed Prayer of St. Francis, an eight part piece that was premiered at both concerts. It was one of the greatest honors in my life to have such an amazing choir sing my composition - but even more of a blessed moment to know that those singing were my peers.

The review out today had this to say: "glorious in their delivery" - "resplendent" - "stunning" - "reverent and powerful"

Please take a moment to read the entire review in the Times Record News.

Once the CDs are available, I'll let you know. Expect Septemberish.

tql cover
 has selected The Quilt Life as one if its Top 10 Magazines of 2010! Here's what they had to say:

"Here's a magazine from the American Quilter's Society for those with the "disease" (the editor's words, not ours!) Creative and executive directors Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson lead readers through all aspects of creating, enjoying, and collecting quilts. The Quilt Life has a diversity of well-illustrated content that's sure to interest both beginning and expert quilters and quilt lovers!" Whoo-Hoo! 

I've just finished printing out the images for my new fabric line for 2012. Yes, you have to wait that long, sorry! It is a follow up to my Oodles of Doodles fabric with Red Rooster Fabrics. You won't be surprised to hear it will be called Oodles of Doodles II - ha ha! 

So - to all you fans of bright fabrics, stay tuned because this and the other Oodles of Doodles II coordinates are now in the works! Look for them in stores in Spring 2012.

Prairie Window
by Michael Michalski from Brooklyn, NY has won the 2011 Five Fabric Challenge. For complete details and comments about Michael's quilt, and to see the runner up (Oh Beautiful For Spacious Skies, by Karen Preseton from Hesperus, Colorado) click here.

Prairie Window will be available in a pattern soon!

Win an Alex Anderson Quilt and an opportunity to attend my La Veta Quilt Retreat to aid the Victims of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

*All Proceeds go to the Red Cross*

Enter now to be eligible to win 
In light of the tragedy that has devastated Japan, Alex and I decided we should do our best to raise money for the horrible disaster in Japan. Alex is donating a work from her hands and I am offering the gift of learning. Together we as quilters can make a difference for the people of Japan who have suffered so greatly. Let's celebrate the ability to help those in need. Show your support to the victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami by entering now to be eligible to win two great prizes for one lucky person.

I am offering one free tuition to a Ricky Tims Quilt Retreat in La Veta, CO, sometime in 2012. During this five day, ten-person retreat you will have the opportunity to study in an incredibly special environment and foster your creative spirit.

Bridge of Life is a quilt designed, pieced and appliqued by Alex Anderson, border by Gloria Smith and machine quilted by Paula Reid. This quilt has debuted in two of her books -- Sew with the Stars (P&B Textiles) and Alex Anderson's Hand and Machine Applique (C&T Publishing). This quilt will continue her journey of helping people in need.

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