T&T - onstage

I'm enjoying my time in St. Louis. Friday night I presented my "Homecoming Concert" to a near sellout crowd of about 550 enthusiastic quilters and friends. The concert was promoted and presented by my first quilt guild - the Thimble and Thread Quilt Guild of Greater St. Louis with a membership of around 200. They meet the 2nd Friday of each month at the Webster Groves Presbyterian Church. This performance, however, was offered to quilters region wide so the meeting was moved to the Lindbergh High School auditorium.

A group of volunteers set up a table with loads of hand-dyed fabric and other goodies while another group helped set the guild's new raffle quilt. The crowd arrived early, all wanting the best seat, so when the doors opened at 7pm, the lobby was already swarming with concertgoers. 

I was honored that so many people came out and I enjoyed recanting my stories, playing my music, and I assembled a visual montage of just about every quilt I ever made.

A huge thank you goes out to Thimble and Thread for being their from the start. Thanks to my other St. Louis guilds (Circle in the Square and St. Louis Art Quilt Alliance) for also guiding me along. Thanks to all the guilds in the region for having hosted me when I was getting my feet wet doing presentations. Thanks to everyone who came out in support for this homecoming concert.

The encouragement and support of those members during the formative years of my quilting experience is a significant reason why I'm where I am today. They could have ignored me, shunned me, misunderstood me, but they did anything but that. They embraced me, taught me, and kept me under their wing while I was learning to fly. They didn't shake their heads at my unorthodox methods. Instead they knew and celebrated the fact that quilting generates a wide range of styles and methods. 

I was once a newbie. I was embraced and encouraged. The quilt police stayed away and a group of quilting cheerleaders cheered me on. Are you an encourager? Do you seek out the newbies and cheer for them? Who will be the next generation of quilters - teachers - award-winners? Will you play a part in their success? The quilters in St. Louis certainly played a huge part in my life.


If you didn't get a chance to "Listen Live" to the chat I had with Don Marsh on St. Louis Public Radio (KWMU), it's now posted and you can listed to the half hour interview here.

I tried to do my best to toot quilting's horn as loudly as possible. By the responses I've received already, apparently a lot of non-quilers enjoyed the discussion and started thinking re-thinking their perception of quilting. Whoo-hoo!

stl public radio

Friday morning, between 11am and noon U.S. Central time, I'm going to be the lucky guest on St. Louis Public Radio on an arts and culture program called Cityscape. Whoo hoo, somebody thinks I got culture!

You can listen live on the internet - so join me if you can. The show repeats in the evening from 10pm - 11pm. So, if you miss it the first time around - you have a second chance.

I'm very excited about this homecoming event/concert. Today was magical just flying in to St. Louis, seeing the arch from the air, driving by my old house, and remembering all the great friends I have here. Looking forward to the big concert Friday evening, 7:30pm, Lindburgh High School.

To listen live - click here. Look in the upper right corner of the page for Listen Live.

st louis arch

I moved to St. Louis in 1998. It was there that I built my recording studio and began doing more extensive music production. In 1991, I took up quilting (see my bio) and eventually found the Thimble and Thread Quilt Guild. I eventually belonged to three groups in St. Louis. 

This weekend I'll be heading back to St. Louis for a Homecoming Concert to pay tribute to all the wonderful folks that fostered me during my formative years as a quilter. I moved to Colorado in 2000, but I will forever be thankful to the caring and generous quilters in St. Louis for their friendship and encouragement.

The concert is Friday night at 7:30 pm at Lindburg High School. Hope to see you there!

Cover of St. Francis

In June of 2011 my high school choir will be having a reunion concert. Donald B. Cowan directed the SH Rider High School A Cappella Choir for 32 years (1961-1993). It was known as "The Greatest Choir Ever". The new "Greatest Choir Ever" is the Donald B. Cowan Legacy Choir. This is a significant event for everyone who has enlisted to participate and rehearsals have already begun. No doubt I'll post about this several times in the next year.

Take a listen to the 1973 choir (my Junior year) singing Tchaikovsky's O Praise Ye God.

I asked Mr C if he would be willing for me to compose a piece of music for the occasion. He was thrilled at the offer and my first thought was to use the text from the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi - "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace." 

The composition is complete and the audio file below is a demo version. There are only four singers doing all the parts. It's beautiful, but rough - it's a demo. I can't wait to hear it performed live for the first time by the Legacy Choir.

O Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.
Where there is hate let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon,
And when in doubt, give me faith,
In despair, I'll find hope.

In the darkness, let me bring light,
Where there's sadness, let me find joy,
O Divine Master, I seek not to be consoled as to console,
Seek not to be understood, as to understand,
May I seek not to be loved, as to love - let me love.

For it is in giving we receive,
It is in pardoning we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

The cover, shown above, features a photo of their 1984 European Cathedral Tour. This photo was taken in Assisi, in the Basilica of St. Francis.

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