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Buyer's Guide.
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Virtual Quilt Luminarium Consider hosting a two-day, in-store Virtual Quilt Luminarium by Ricky Tims. These lecture/demo sessions will be streamed into your store. You sell all Quilt Luminarium related products, and are urged to create specials on your shop items—from notions, to fabric, to sewing machines.


The Ricky Tims Catalog Ricky Tims Inc has a growing line of Ricky Tims patterns as well as books, video tutorials, music CDs, and novelty items. Click through to see a full list of Ricky Tims items/books/patterns published by Autumn Rock Publishing, a division of Ricky Tims Inc.

The Lizzy Albright Master Plan Lizzy Albright is the main character in a middle-grade fantasy/fiction novel written by Ricky Tims and Kat Bowser. There are many quilt related opportunities from which your business can benefit. Learn how Lizzy Albright can generate excitement in your store.
