Lizzy Albright Greeting Cards Four illustrations created by Ricky Tims for the book, Lizzy Albright and the Attic Window... Product #: LZY-GreetingCards Regular price: $24.95 $24.95 In Stock

Lizzy Albright Greeting Cards

Availability: In Stock

Price: $24.95

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The magical journey of Lizzy Albright includes some very fantastical places. Four of those are represented in these original digital illustrations created by the co-author, Ricky Tims. These delightful 5” x 7” blank greeting cards highlight the four delightful illustrations created by Ricky Tims for Lizzy Albright and the Attic Window. Collectors may wish to frame one of each for themselves! Share the rest by writing magical and heartfelt greetings to friends and family. This set of twelve blank cards has three of each of the designs. Click on the additional images to see all four of the illustrations. Twelve Lizzy Albright red envelopes are included.  Featured on the cards are: The Attic, Fiddler's Cove, Sourbelly Sink, and The Well. 


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