52-Week Photo Challenge Class Week 43 - Halloween

Week 52 Photo Challenge:
Week 43, Halloween
Photo by Patty Robinson
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Patty says:
Hiding in plain view
Yes! Beware all! Even on the coast of Maine, they are comimg out tonight...for some mischief-making! I used dreamscape for the bouys,and black and white for these "guests" of the night. Edited out many tiny details in PS to simplify the overall design.Then used LR edits to tone down the color a bit to pull out more of the white skeletons. Though I have so much more to learn ,to do this more effectively.
Smart Phone Photo Challenges Week 43 - Tricks Or Treats

Smart Phone Challenge:
Week 43, Tricks Or Treats
Photo by Michael Lindow
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Michael says:
These are our spooky Halloween treats. I actually don't eat much in the way of candy, but I got it just in case. Oil painting effect applied.
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