52-Week Photo Challenge Class Week 12 - Do Over 
Week 52 Photo Challenge:
Week 12, Do Over
Photo by Shannon Hiebert
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Shannon says:
Years ago, I realized something that changed my life and helped me with how I make decisions. LOL. I would sometimes spend so much time at the store trying to decide which shoes or hat to buy, or which color to choose. At times it was exhausting because I just didn't want to make the wrong choice! And then I thought, well in some cases, if its do-able (and affordable of course) why not just get both... So once again, this realization helped me decide on which do over to do... How should I narrow this down? Long depth of field, black & white, or mirror image? Well, I managed to try and fit it all into one to something that I'm happy with. I was also able to practice at a lot of things that I wanted more practice on and that I wanted to do better. Also, there were editing adjustments that I just didn't understand before and that I felt too intimidated to try. Such as masking, and linear gradient. So this week I used masking to remove some of the reflection in the window of the trees that I wanted to hide, and also I was able to attempt for the first time linear gradient on the left to tone down some of the reflection on the door. I think, all in all, I will still mostly need more practice with a long depth of field. I still find it tricky to get close-ups in focus as well as what is in the background. I see now that I should have tilted the picture so that the window casing on the right was more straight... Next time...
Smart Phone Photo Challenges Week 12 - Purple Passion

Smart Phone Challenge:
Week 12, Purple Passion
Photo by Victoria Nelson
Click to view a larger image.
Victoria says:
None of the purple things I found this week were terribly compelling as a subject on their own, so I used the slow shutter app to capture some purple flowers on a bush. Basic edits in the apple photo app, then I used the distressed FX app to apply a filter and overlay. .
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