Photos of the Week - Week 48


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 48, Blue, NotSky

Photo by Bill Arneson

Click to view a larger image 

Bill says: 

An old diner with a blue sign and a blue ’55 Chevy Nomad parked in front. This was primarily an exercise in editing to try to create a 50s color film look with a closed in feeling from the darkness, but inviting light from the diner.
Photo was taken in daylight, but edited in PS and LR using levels and exposure adjustments for a nighttime look. Then edited to the 50s film look based on a YouTube video that included decreased sharpness, grain, yellow highlights and increased shadows. The film look was more obvious with daytime lighting, but some of the effect was still apparent in the final “night” photo. The photo was also given a mild Orton Effect in PS (26 pixels/15% opacity).


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 48 - HDR


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 48, HDR

Photo by Sandy Townsend

Click to view a larger image.

Sandy says:  

I headed to a nearby park to capture this scene. This was taken during the golden hour, so the sun was casting a golden glow on the trees.


Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 48 - Socks/Stockings

Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 48, Socks/Stockings

Photo by Star Carpenter

Click to view a larger image 

Star says: 

Santa fairy sitting on our mantle showing off his shoes and stockings.




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