Photos of the Week - Week 18


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 18, Old Timey

Photo by  Chris Mccarthy

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Chris says: 

The Boston House. Meet Henry Danaher, seated at piano, and Everett Hitch, standing with shotgun. These two gentlemen were the co-proprietors of the Boston House, a hotel, bar, restaurant, and a place for gentile companionship, circa 1880s.

Danaher was an interesting character. An Irish immigrant originally to New York City where through a combination of charm, deceit, and violence he managed to put together a small nest egg. Soon he immigrated (fled) to points west; Chicago, Abilene, and then through a series of cow towns finally ending up in Denver.

Somewhere along the line he partnered up with Hitch. Everett Hitch was a West Pointer, soldier, a bounty hunter and an itinerant lawman. The two proved to be a winning combination. Danaher took care of the business side of things while Hitch managed security and kept upstart competition in check.

The Boston House prospered. It's patrons included politicians, at least two governors of Colorado, and celebrities, including Wyatt Earp and Buffalo Bill Cody. It had a reputation for first class food and liquor and the most attractive saloon girls in Colorado.

This photo and accompanying letter was found in the effects Father William Dannaher, Roman Catholic priest from Freeport New York, recently deceased. Also accompanying the letter was a certificate from the Colorado–Edison Electric Light Company certifying the Boston House as the first commercial establishment in Denver to be supplied with electric power.

Everett Hitch was played by yours truly and Henry Danaher by Stu Whalen. The photo was taken in Stu's TV room/library/music room. It took a lot of post processing including at least two Topaz filters.


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 18 - Red


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 18, Red

Photo by Colleen Broaddus

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Colleen  says:  


Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 18 - Leading Line


Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 18, Leading Line

Photo by Linda James

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Linda says:

Father and daughter walking ahead of me in Greenbelt, MD. Used Distressed FX Pith.

2024 AI Image Club


 2024 AI Image Club:

Week 18, Hair

Photo by Margie Clark

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Margie says:

Prompt: Young woman with curly brown hair with highlights, sprinkled with stardust. Dreamlike expression on young woman’s face. High resolution, intricate, elegant, dynamic lighting.



Ricky's Challenge Photos


Photos of the Week - Week 18


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 18, Old Timey

Photo by Ricky Tims

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Ricky says: 

I wish I could say this is a family heirloom. I owned a spittoon that my Granny had (it was only a novelty, not used by her), but I kept it in the little cabin that burned in 2018. The original is charred from fire, but I still have it. This one was bought at an antique store as a replacement and a reminder of my childhood days. I essentially created a sort of selective color image leaving the spittoon and leaves with a bit of color.


2024 AI Image Club -  Hair


Week 18, Hair

Photo by Ricky Tims

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Ricky says:  















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