Photos of the Week - Week 20


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 20, Found Alphabet

Photo by Warren Lee

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Warren says: 

Found alphabet is one of my least favorite challenges, but this has been an exceptional 'spring' at Springs Preserve. I opted for local flora and seasonal moments except for he exotic "V" of the paper kite (tropical butterfly) in the pavilion that will go on hiatus (after Memorial Day) until fall. I do "love" the opportunities at Springs Preserve to find unexpected beauty and wonder around us. The top image is an example of one of those moments along the trails. A local butterfly 'in the wild' visiting some local blossoms. It will only print decently up to 12x18, but this is the type of wonder that I 'love' to see, capture with the camera and share. We are remarkably blessed. Wishing you (and yours) an amazing week.


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 20 - Forks


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 20, Forks

Photo by Mary Lynn

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Mary  says:  


Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 20 - Lone Tree


Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 20, Lone Tree

Photo by Kevin Kenward

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Kevin says:

Edited in Prisma app with Gothic

2024 AI Image Club


 2024 AI Image Club:

Week 20, Camping Trip

Photo by Bob Greenlee

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Bob says:

Imagine app. Prompt "Astronauts sitting around a campfire on Mars at sunset, roasting marshmallows." Theme Ultra Real V5, no style. Only one very large marshmallow visible, by the campfire. Despite several tries, I never could get a result with the astronauts actually holding marshmallows on sticks. 


Ricky's Challenge Photos


Photos of the Week - Week 20


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 20, Found Alphabet

Photo by Ricky Tims

 Click to view a larger image 

Ricky says: 

The biggest 'normal' sort of challenge we face on the mountain is succedding to get anything to grow. We've learned what genearlly works - iris - hostas - most coral bells - lambs ear. But none of them thrive and grow really big. The most agressive grower we have are bleeding heart. They make me super happy, and they come quickly in Spring.


2024 AI Image Club -  Circus


Week 20, Camping Trip

Photo by Ricky Tims

Click to view a larger image.

Ricky says:  















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