Photos of the Week - Week 26Critique Group Challenge: Week 26, Wild Kingdom Photo by Linda Bennett Click to view a larger image Linda says: I figured someone in Florida needed to capture an alligator so while I was running around today I stopped at a park where you can always find some. This big guy was floating in the reflections of the cloulds. No worries, I was on a board walk above him. LR edits. |
2024 AI Image Club2024 AI Image Club: Week 26, Book Cover Photo by Hugo Dos santos Click to view a larger image. Hugo says: After Tony got home, he saw a horrible scene, who did this? Check out my book to find out what happened! |
Ricky's Challenge Photos
Photos of the Week - Week 26Critique Group Challenge: Week 26, Wild Kingdom Photo by Ricky Tims Click to view a larger image Ricky says: We rarely have deer close to the house, but looking out our sunroom this week this young buck was hanging out by our pond. Perhaps he was thirsty. Not wanting to risk him choosing my flowerbeds as his breakfast table, I needed to shoo him away to let him know his breakfast was elsewhere. He trotted a few yards up to our little overlook and I was able to grab a few photos. It was a day later before it dawned on me I got my Wild Kingdom image. I used an Analog Effect in Nik Collection to achieve the motion blur. |
2024 AI Image Club - Book Cover2024 AI Image Club: Week 26, Book Cover Photo by Ricky Tims Click to view a larger image. Ricky says:
I put zero thought into a title and my brain gave me Tiptoe Through the Treetops. I generated a lot of cover options. Only a few gave me fonts, which was okay becuase I could add that in Photoshop. However, This one gave me just "Tipppo" and nothing else. I loved how the lettering was created with 'holes' so I used those letters and built what I wanted, cutting and pasting elements of letters in Photoshop. Due to the limited space on the tree, I used the slang spelling of "through" (thru) and since this image had the opening, I made it an ominous mystery and added the eyes. Drucilla Webb is the name of one of my great grandmothers and I thought that sounded like a great aurhor's name. Midjourney. In my effort to get the just a text, my promt was...the exact words Tiptoe through the Treetop with a whimsical curly font. But the image included the tree too so I went with it. - See one other lighthearted example here: |
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