Photos of the Week - Week 28


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 28, Close Up

Photo by Beckie Belsaas

 Click to view a larger image 

Beckie says:

I decided to try some staged images this week. I had fun with multiple kitchen items and then decided to try my luck with a new candle that wasn't in a container. I set the narrow FOV on the wick and took a burst of photos as I lit it and after I blew it out. This was my favorite as the tip of the wick is still hot and the base of the wick was not burned. Minimal cropping and a few edits in LRC. I don't think my lens info will show up. I used a :Laowa 90mm Macro 2X with an aperature of 2.8


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 28 - Distort and Liquefy


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 28, Distort and Liquefy

Photo by Colleen Broaddus

Click to view a larger image.

Colleen  says:  


Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 28 - After Dark


Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 28, After Dark

Photo by Linda James

Click to view a larger image.

Linda says:

Train Station-No more travelers this evening. Edited in Prisma app with Thota Vaikuntam

2024 AI Image Club


 2024 AI Image Club:

Week 28, In The Desert

Photo by Jose Herrero

Click to view a larger image.

Jose says:

DALL-E-3. Prompt: Vast painted desert, oasis, cliff dwellings, rabbits, golden hour lighting.


Ricky's Challenge Photos


Photos of the Week - Week 28


2024 AI Image Club 

Week 28, In The Desert

Photo by Ricky Tims

 Click to view a larger image 

Ricky says: 

Somewhere along the way this week I wondered if I could get the AI to do a hidden objects photo. Midjourney gave me a few things like the books and the meat cleaver. In Photoshop, with generative fill to add... shoe, wind turbine, sombrero, starfish, teapot, snake, and broom. It's not hard to find them, but it was kind of fun to create them.

















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