Photos of the Week - Week 34


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 34, Bold Color

Photo by Bob Greenlee

 Click to view a larger image 

Bob  says:

An experiment in polar coordinates


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 34 - Found Alphabet 


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 34, Found Alphabet 

Photo by Mark Whitbeck

Click to view a larger image.

Mark  says:  


Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 34 - Zig Zag


Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 34, Zig Zag

Photo by Hugo Dos Santos

Click to view a larger image.

Hugo says:

Pencils creating a Zig Zag

2024 AI Image Club


 2024 AI Image Club:

Week 34, Pirates Life

Photo by  Betty AnnSeeman

Click to view a larger image.

Betty says: 

Dream Promps:Two pirates on a deserted island burying a chest full of gold coins and jewels.
I used the dodge tool in PS to make the glow of the gold and the reflection on their faces more dramatic
This would be a great bookcover for author -Tray Shurhunt.



Ricky's Challenge Photos


Photos of the Week - Week 34


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 34, Bold Color

Photo by Ricky Tims

 Click to view a larger image 

Ricky says: 

There was a wondeful wash of color flowing vertically down a wall in Denver and I took the shot. Upon coming home the sunflower has burst - so I combined the two. Used Hard Light blending mode and a tad of sharpening. - original images here:


2024 AI Image Club -  Pirates Life


Week 34, Pirates Life

Photo by Ricky Tims

Click to view a larger image.

Ricky says:  















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