Photos of the Week - Week 39


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 39, ICM

Photo by Debbie Sinclair

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Debbie  says:

I love the colours in this Labyrinth Dahlia and the way the window light illuminated the top of the flower. The ICM turned the fiery colours into smoky wisps.


52-Week Photo Challenge Class
Week 39 - Do Over 3


Week 52 Photo Challenge:

Week 39, Do Over 3

Photo by Jose Herrero

Click to view a larger image.

Jose  says:  


Smart Phone Photo Challenges
Week 39 - Point


Smart Phone Challenge:

Week 39, Point

Photo by Catherine Betzler

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Catherine says:

Edited in Prisma app with Maple Syrup

2024 AI Image Club


 2024 AI Image Club:

Week 39, Mad Scientist

Photo by  Pat Cole

Click to view a larger image.

Pat says: 

When I saw this week’s assignment I immediately thought of one particular scientist that I worked with two or three decades ago. There was a long hallway leading from his lab into the rest of the building. When I passed him in this hall, he almost always had a confused, sort of lost, look on his face and was often talking to himself. He would often make a sudden turn and go back the way he had come, and would sometimes stop and look all around up over his head. His pockets were always full of stuff. It is actually kind of spooky how much the image AI created looks like him. My prompt in Firefly was - A male scientist in a lab coat with a slightly confused, lost look on his face is walking down a long hallway. He has a pocket protector in his pocket. The pocket protector is full of pens and small tools. His hair is tousled. He appears to be talking to himself.



Ricky's Challenge Photos


Photos of the Week - Week 39


Critique Group Challenge: 

Week 39, ICM

Photo by Ricky Tims

 Click to view a larger image 

Ricky says: 

It's peak asPen season now in our area and I really enjoy creating panned images of the trees. I took dozens, but here I liked the diagonal flow and the fact that there were still really detailed leaves.


2024 AI Image Club -  Roman Empire


Week 39, Mad Scientist

Photo by Ricky Tims

Click to view a larger image.

Ricky says:  















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