Each October Justin and I head down to Texas for International Quilt Market and Festival. It's a trek for sure, but we get to stop along the way to visit family. Sandy had been keeping up with me on Facebook and knew I would be traveling near her so she chimed in. It was a close call because by the time I got her contact information we were less than 5 miles from where she was going to meet us. We were actually talking on the phone when we realized we were coming to the intersection - thus the cell phone in the photo. Way to go Sandy! Welcome to the Drive-by Quilting Club!
Sandy says:
Howdy! That was fun!
Sorry about missing the phone call; I was flying... er... driving down the road to "get there!" <g>
I'm a professional handquilter, w/a quilt on every continent (the internet is a wonderful tool for contacting people). I'm also a Finisher, no UFOs here (worked for years selling things in craft malls, so I trained myself to Finish - can't sell unfinished crafts <g>). I've been quilting for 40+ yrs. Love fabric, love color, love to quilt. And we quilters meet the nicest people! All over the world! Welcome back to Texas; Colorado isn't that far away, or so I'm told by our families who live there; you're still a Texan, it shows in your big, friendly personality. Thanks again for the meet-up; that really was fun. Cheers!
btw: my license: PT QLTR -- Have Cruiser, will travel, for quilts, fabric, friends...
Sandy Ellison, Arlington, Tx. - blame it on the Dr.Pepper!
About the quilt:
The blue quilt is Summer Breeze, a hexagon quilt, circa 1995; hand-pieced, hand-quilted, it was my take-along project for a number of months (after I stopped working at the quilt shop in Arlington). I even cut the pieces by scissors- oy! That was The Olden Days of Quilting.