Sandy Ospina received the message that I would be arriving in Bath, England by train. She was able to make it to the Bath Spa train station and we were able to see her quilts up close and personal before hopping into our taxi.
Sandy says:
Just like any other morning, I turned my laptop on to do the usual mail checking, only this day was different as I had received a notification via facebook informing me that Ricky Tims, THE Ricky Tims was going to be in England and passing by the City of Bath which is only 30 minutes from where I live.
I could not believe what my eyes were reading and as always my partner in adventure, thrill and excitement is my daughter, Stephanie, so I had to let her know what our next journey would be as I knew without her the experience would not have been the same!
The day I had been anticipating for had finally arrived. I arrived to the City of Bath at 1.30pm however, we did not know that it would be a challenge trying to get our way round to Bath Spa Train station where Ricky Tims would be getting off the train at 2:23pm.
The clock was ticking and we had still not been able to find our way to the train station, the time was now 2.15pm just 5 more minutes and we would be at risk of not living the Train-by experience. Tension was now building. We parked the car and ran to the platform where Ricky would be soon to arrive.
The excitement we had contemplated till this time was now just about to explode, as we began to unfold the quilts and stand on a bench, each one of us holding a quilt I had made. We could hear a train coming our way, could this be Ricky? As we waited for all the passengers to come off the train, we saw no sign of Ricky, just a false alarm, one which caused a lot of laughter between Stephanie and I and some of the passengers who had come off the train.
Another Train was in sight, now this had to be Ricky, there could be no doubt about that. This time we were right as we saw Ricky, Justin and their friend Susan board off the train, we were lucky that we had sometime to greet one another as we were aware they were on a tight schedule.
About the Quilt:
My Sunbonnet Sue Quilt was the first quilt that I ever made making "sunbonnet sue" my first love in Patchwork.The quilt is called Sunbonnet Through The Year and is designed by Sue Linker. It is all hand made, hand applique and hand quilted. It has twelve squares each one representing a month of the year, which was as long as it took me to complete the quilt.